Sunday, June 13, 2010

Yours for the Asking - Happiness

Happiness can be yours for the asking. What we know about happiness is that it is attainable, contagious, influenced by the people, food music and events we expose ourselves to, and is a constant attitude of choice. Yes, choice.

Former president of the American Psychological Association, Martin Seligman, Ph.D. reports that optimism can be learned and shaped so that you can choose an attitude of optimism consciously and with intention.

Author Steve Bhaerman adds that while pessimists may be very much in touch with reality that optimists are happier and live longer! Happiness and optimism, as your intention, is a powerful way to live and we plan to bring you clear guidelines and direction for creating this intention. Today, to start your progress toward happiness, set your intention to be happy. Steve lists five pillars that focus on the good life, a life worth living, flourishing, and well-being:

Positive emotions, including engagement and happiness.
Positive traits, including strengths and virtues and pursuing excellence.
Positive relationships.
Meaning and purpose.

Once you set an intention, it is the source from which you choose or desire to act. As you follow your intention, you learn about yourself more fully. You discover the ways in which you hold yourself back from joy and happiness. If you stay the course, you can experience transformation in a new way, taking on new beliefs and behaviors that create happiness and leaving old ones behind. And to assist in keeping you aware of how you create or destroy your happiness, see Dr Nancy's RxTV, a prescription of tips, based on 25 years of research. The tips are offered monthly in the Happiness newsletter to share the research on how TV can make or break your happiness.


• Watch TV consciously, choosing programs rather than just sitting down to “watch and relax.”

• Choose programs that educate, entertain or inform in a way that makes you come away feeling that the time was productive.

• Avoid over-viewing and coming away saying to yourself,

“I can’t believe I watched the whole thing.”

JOIN DR. NANCY AND 12+ AUTHORS by signing up for the monthly HAPPINESS E-zine with many authors, experts, teleseminars and lots of other surprises at:

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